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Act Now!

Resources for Taking Action​

Democracy requires action! Now, more than ever in our history, it's essential that we take action. There are many resources available to stay informed on government policy and legislative issues and to help you make YOUR concerns known to elected officials.



5 Calls is the easiest and most effective way for U.S. constituents to make a political impact. Calling your congressperson is the most effective way to influence policy when you can't be there in person. Make your voice heard.

Use 5Calls or Learn More

Kent Street Coalition

Publishes a weekly newsletter, "Happenings" that provides NH House and Senate Bill alerts with links to register your support or opposition, The newsletter also gives you information about how to conact your elected officials, take part in visibility events, and more. Kent Street Coaltion offers working groups, letter and postcard writing teams, and programming.

Sign-Up for Happenings  â€‹â€‹


AFSC (American Friends Service Committee)

Provides the "State House Watch"—a weekly newsletter published during legislative sessions to bring you information about matters discussed in Concord including immigration, civil rights, and labor rights.

Sign-Up for State House Watch


New Hampshire Network

Tracks NH bills affecting environment, energy, and climate and provides links to testify or contact your State Representative and Senator. The New Hampshire Network offers a newsletter, working groups, and programming.

Sign-Up for NH Network: NH Bills


League of Women Voters of New Hampshire

Provides information and action alerts on issues before the NH state and federal legislatures.

SIgn-Up for LWV-NH Action Alerts


603 Forward

Educates, engages, and activates working-age adults to drive pro-next-generation policy change and support like-minded leaders in their pursuit of public office. They provide links to action items, including tracking bills before the NH legislature.

Learn More about 603 Forward 

​​Contact Your Federal Representatives

They need to hear from you about what is happening in Washington, D.C., and its impact here in New Hampshire. Contact your U.S. Senators and Congressional Representative. Visiting in person is best, and calling is the next best, even if you can only leave a message. It's also important to let them know when you support what they are doing.


Call directly or use 5Calls to assist you in finding the specific issues and talking points that matter to you. â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹

Senator Jeanne Shaheen

Berlin: 603 752-6300

Claremont 603 542-4872

Dover: 603 750-3004

Keene: 603 358-6604

Manchester: 603 647-7500

Nashua: 603 883-0196

Washington DC: 202 224-2841

Senator Maggie Hassan

Berlin: 603 752-6190

Concord: 603 622-2204

Manchester: 603 622-2204

Portsmouth: 603 433-4445

Washington DC: 202 224-3324


Maggie Goodlander

Concord: 603 226-1002

Nashua: 603 595-2003

Littleton: 603 444-7700

Washington DC: 202 225-5206

Building Connections
Your Local Government & Public Schools

Stay informed and engaged in your local town or city government and school district. Share your community interest and initatives with the Sullivan County Democrats and your local or neighboring Democratic Committee.


Democratic Committee Resources

Sign up to receive news and alerts from Sullivan County Democratic committees and the New Hampshire Democratic Party.

A logo for Sullivan County NH Democrats. Round seal with Navy blue border and stylized image of the Cornish Covered Bridge in the center.
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Sullivan County Democrats

PO Box 88

Acworth, NH 03601

Serving Acworth, Charlestown, Claremont, Cornish, Croydon, Goshen, Grantham, Langdon, Lempster, Newport, Plainfield, Springfield, Sunapee, Unity, and Washington

This communication does not imply an endorsement or favoritism of any kind to any Democratic candidates actively engaged in competitive primary contests.

Paid for by Sullivan County Democrats, PO Box 88, Acworth, NH 03601, Claudia Istel, Treasurer  © 2025 Sullivan County Democrats. All Rights Reserved.

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