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Sunapee Democratic Committee

Working at the grassroots to advance our democracy

Our Mission

The Sunapee Democratic Committee educates and engages voters on the policies and legislation affecting our community, state, and country; supports local candidates; and encourages civic involvement to advance democratic values.



Address: PO Box 431, Georges Mills, NH 03751


Please get in touch with us for our meeting schedule.


Along the Sugar River, Sunapee, NH, with The LIvery, a historic community landmark, in the distance.

Along the Sugar River, Sunapee, NH, with The LIvery, a historic community landmark, in the distance.

Sign up to get the Sunapee Dems newsletter or to volunteer.

Donate via ActBlue or mail to

PO Box 431, Georges Mills, NH 03751.

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Follow us on Facebook. Help amplify the voices of democracy.

Committee Officers

Co-Chairs: Sue Gottling and Linda Tanner

Yes, You Can Make a Difference

Concerns, aspirations, and democratic values guide Sunapee Dems' activities. Volunteers like you make our work possible. Activities include:

Outreach and engagement with voters

Hosting meetings and community programs

Supporting county Democratic events and initiatives

Fundraising for committee and campaign needs

Supporting for our local candidates

A critical aspect of our work is to get out the vote during elections.​ In 2024, we helped re-elect Hope Damon to the NH House in Sullivan District 8, Karen Liot Hill to the Executive Council, and Maggie Goodlander to Congress.


However, the Democratic losses in 2024 in New Hampshire challenge us. Despite having outstanding, hard-working candidates, we failed to make Democratic gains in Sullivan County.


Building for 2026 is underway. We invite your participation.


Taking action now

Stay informed on the issues that impact you and your community. Get involved locally. Serve on town committees and boards.

Advocate and weigh in on legislation: Contact policy makers and your elected officials. Testify at public hearings. 

Join neighbors and friends and help us maintain a strong local Democratic committee. Please contact us about volunteering.

In New Hampshire, we engage with voters, candidates, and campaigns, from local to presidential. We participate in parades, fairs, and election activities.

In New Hampshire, we engage with voters, candidates, and campaigns, from local to presidential. We participate in parades, fairs, and election activities.

Sunapee Democrats engage with voters, candidates, and campaigns, from local to presidential. We participate in fairs, parades, and election activities.

Dance with Dems, hosted by Springfield and Sunpee Democrats, October 2024

In New Hampshire, we engage with voters, candidates, and campaigns, from local to presidential. We participate in parades, fairs, and election activities.

In New Hampshire, we engage with voters, candidates, and campaigns, from local to presidential. We participate in parades, fairs, and election activities.

Town & Voter Info

Town of Sunapee (homepage)

Sunapee is a SB 2 town with Town Meeting held in two sessions. The Deliberative Session is held in February. Voting and local elections follow in March, on the second Tuesday of the month. Contact the Town Clerk and School District for the list of offices and the candidate filing period.

Voter InformationContact the Sunapee Town Clerk for voter information, including registration, absentee voting, and change of address.

​NH Secretary of State: Voter Information LookUp

Information Provided by the Sunapee Democratic Committee

A logo for Sullivan County NH Democrats. Round seal with Navy blue border and stylized image of the Cornish Covered Bridge in the center.
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Sullivan County Democrats

PO Box 88

Acworth, NH 03601

Serving Acworth, Charlestown, Claremont, Cornish, Croydon, Goshen, Grantham, Langdon, Lempster, Newport, Plainfield, Springfield, Sunapee, Unity, and Washington

This communication does not imply an endorsement or favoritism of any kind to any Democratic candidates actively engaged in competitive primary contests.

Paid for by Sullivan County Democrats, PO Box 88, Acworth, NH 03601, Claudia Istel, Treasurer  © 2025 Sullivan County Democrats. All Rights Reserved.

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